Thursday, 30 September 2010

Ofsted and SEN: the way forward

dRecord and analyse pupils' progress using Adroit-e Monitor.

Designed specifically for students with SEN.

Adroit-e Monitor is a web-based system providing a quick and easy way to evaluate students’ attitude, behaviour, how well they achieved their target and their own view of their performance.  
Adroit-e Monitor provides easy to understand graphic reports of day by day, lesson by lesson and week by week of pupils'/students' performance across the year.  These Reports can be used by all staff, and as a focus for discussion with pupils and their parents/carers.  Adroit-e Monitor helps identify progress as well as any dips in progress.  Adroit-e Monitor can help you meet the performance aspects of the recent Ofsted report on SEN.
Performance data is recorded lesson by lesson through the most available technology already in use - laptops, PDA’s, PC’s etc.  Software can be provided via a memory stick taken from lesson to lesson by the Teaching Assistant.

Jonathan Brill

Adroit-e Monitor