What needs to be improved at Midem – in a word the teaching style – that’s 2 words so I’ll use the technical term, pedagogy.
Yap Yap Yap – people talking at you – all over the midem – whether it’s in Midem Academy or the Innovation Factory – or it’s entrepreneurs practising their pitch it’s that same wretched format – death by presentation technology and someone transmitting knowledge – what they know.
Teaching through the transmission of a body of knowledge by the good and the great (at midem the young and the good) came under severe scrutiny from the 70’s. By the 80’s the notion of a teacher facilitating learning rather than sending information without checking whether it had been received became the norm – for the past 10 years independent learners have been common in schools and universities.
The ‘how to’ lectures I visited need to make a teaching or pedagogic evolution similar to that from CD to downloads – sure there’s room for a bit of ‘here’s like it is ‘– but far more is needed on where are you now – what are you trying to achieve –let’s consider the different ways to get there – I’ve prepared some stuff on facebook for starters let’s look at this together now or later if you want - cutting edge music and cutting edge technology demand a better pedagogy – for next year choose speakers by their capacity to increase learning – the pedagogical imperative.