After completing our unique Phase 2 development Adroit-e Research captures data from the towns local people, we then went on to capture the elusive youths view.
Here are just a few highlights of what the research produced:
-Hardly any of the young participants had ever shopped in the City Centre for clothes; they perceived the experience to be aimed at a different market.
-A larger percentage had shopped at the Maybird but generally disliked the ‘experience’considering it had failed to meet the social side of ‘shopping’.
-The main competitors to Stratford for young people were Leamington for a social shopping experience, and online shopping for particular items – Birmingham and London were frequented for days out, shopping and browsing.
These few points show why Stratford may need to give more consideration to young people’s needs and wants. If any decisions are made to tackle the issues raised in the report, then an accurate segmentation of the youth market should underpin all planning and action – a ‘one size fits all’ solution is unlikely to succeed. Overall the Stratford Town Research has given a very insightful view of what the younger generation perceives of Stratford.
Adroit-e would especially like to thank all of our sponsors and all of those that took part in the research.