Wednesday, 15 September 2010

SEN Monitoring - The Best Solution

The Adroit-e Monitor approach for students with SEN - in the light of this week's OFSTED report it was timely – OFSTED said 'the support and progress of children with SEN is currently not well monitored.'

I am clear that the approach we have devised with Keith Gutteridge, a well respected SEN specialist, allows you to undertake SEN Monitoring in a straightforward way, using technology appropriately, harnessing the capacities of Senco's and TA's.

In a nutshell you will receive weekly reports, automatically, from your period by period monitoring, both of the SEN cohort and pupil by pupil – you can reproduce these simply for pupils, teachers, parents, carers, OFSTED etc.

Data inputting is probably best done from mobile devices but can also be done via classroom computers or laptops.

Price is unlikely to be a major obstacle and I would be happy to talk further with you.

For further information, please visit our website at or call us at 01582 463479.